FLOATER:   AKANSH WaNts yOU To BECOME HIS FRIEND JUST MAil Him AT akansh112@gmail.com  ||||  NOW disPlay YOUr nAME AND meSSAGE herE juST wriTE me AT akansh112@gmail.com ||||mere dost mujhse gila karte hai ,ki hum unse kum mila karte hai, par wo nadan itna nahi samajhte, ki sitare dur se hi roshni diya karte hai.|||| What If Munna Bhai asked circuit full form of college ???? Ans:-Circuit: Boleto bhai, C-come O-on L-love L-lets E-every G-girl E-every day Bhai!! |||| Abhishek (the most coolest boy) asking for a good friends contact him at boy.drem@gmail.com ||||WhAT ThE HELL ? OuR ChILDHooD FrNDShIP Is JUSt BRoKEn? SoLVE YoUR FRNDsHIp PRoBLEmS JUSt maIl At akansh112@gmail.com|||||MoHAk SAyS AbhIShEK BaChhAn Ko AiShWArya SE ShAdi nhI KarNi ChAiyE thI||||||CoMMeNT On ThE mOHAk sAyiNgS Just Sms ME "DoSti n YoUr CommEnt" at 9017543817||||| SomeTiME ThIs SiTE tAkE Lot oF TImE To oPen........||||||| LiKhNe ki bAjAye KuCh uPaYE BtAyA HoTa||||Do MSg ME YAar WaiTiNG 4 Ur REspONSes...
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I can 4 get a face, I can 4 get a home,
I can 4 get a place, I can 4 get a name,
I can 4 get a game, I can 4 get even myself,
But 4getting u ? 4 get it.

No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles
through tears.And no relief is as sweet as the one
that gets to see this smile. Keep smiling...

Life has its ups & downs. Sometimes SUN shines,
sometimes RAIN pours. But dont forget, it takes both SUN &
RAIN to make a RAINBOW!! Enjoy life.

Of all the friends I've ever met.
Your the one I won't forget.And if I die before you do
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.

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